Media Release Drafting Service

Media Release Drafting Service


Want a Media Release that stands out from the rest?

The Goodshelter Group’s Media Release Drafting Service produces high-quality, professional Media Releases across our specialist sectors, targeted towards sector journalists and media outlets.

Each includes a ‘Notes to Editors’ section with additional detailed information (with credited sources, where applicable). A number of our recent Media Releases have found favour with local and national media outlets, who have seen fit to use the entirety of our Media Release text in their articles. This means that the points you are seeking to make find their mark, in the context you intended.

In the interests of fairness, we charge 50% of our fee when you commission the work - and, so should you decide to proceed, you'll be charged just £325 + VAT at our online checkout. By commissioning us to undertake this work, you are committing to pay the remaining 50% balance (a further £325 + VAT) when we invoice you on completion of our work. Just to be clear, the total fee for this service is £650 + VAT.

So, all you need to pay today is:

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How is a ‘Media Release’ different from a ‘Press Release’? Is it somehow ‘better’?

Everyone has their own term.  A ‘Press Release’ is traditionally associated with print media (e.g. newspapers). We define a ‘Media Release’ as something which is designed for use across multiple media: your website, social media and trade/sector press, as well as local and national press – these are all forms of media outlet.

Our team at The Goodshelter Group seeks to identify and present ‘win themes’ throughout the Media Release draft which helps journalists to present these same points in their articles. This helps to deliver a consistent message from your organisation, which creates a sense of enhanced credibility for your message, in a world where ‘spin’ and cynicism is rife.

And, of course, we employ our in-house “Second Pair of Eyes” Review Service to ensure we produce a professional document.

Any questions? Please Contact Us!